Code of Conduct
Fingerlakes Mall is committed to providing an enjoyable shopping experience for our customers. When visiting, please adhere to our Code of Conduct. Fingerlakes Mall is private property and any violation can result in expulsion from the property and any other legal remedies that Mall Management deems necessary.
Any conduct or activity that is disorderly, disruptive, threatening or interferes with the safety and well-being of any of our businesses, guests or any well-being of the property is prohibited. These include, but are not limited to:​
Running, horseplay, spitting, throwing objects or any other disorderly conduct
Using loud and/or offensive language, offensive gestures, or racial, religious or anti-Semitic, gender, or ethnic slurs
Intimidating behavior by individuals or groups
Loitering, blocking storefronts or walkways
Picketing, protesting, petitioning or other activities that hinder shopping activity or disrupt businesses
Bicycles, scooters, skateboards, hover boards, roller skates/blades, Heelys and other personal transportation devices are prohibited within the mall.
Walking through planters, walking on brick borders surrounding planters or fountains, or reaching into fountains is prohibited.
Violence, threats of violence, physical abuse or hostility of any kind is grounds for removal from the property and possible banishment from the mall for a period of time.
Engagement in any sexual activity including, but not limited to, using sexually explicit language, engaging in sexual conduct, or engaging in excessive displays of affection are prohibited.
Anyone found consuming alcohol or marijuana/cannabis, or found to be inebriated, or intoxicated or under the influence of any legal or illegal substance will be asked to leave the property immediately.
Smoking of any kind including electronic and vapor smoking devices is prohibited within the building.
Any form of solicitation including, but not limited to distribution of any flyers, handbills, leaflets or other marketing materials or commercial advertising requires prior consent of Mall Management. Any items found throughout the mall without this consent will be removed.
All sales outside of tenant stores must be pre-approved and have paperwork on file with the Mall Management.
Violations of the Law
​Violation of any local, state or federal law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
Property damage, defacing or damaging of personal property, graffiti​
Possession of any type of weapon except those carried by authorized law enforcement.
Prior permission must be given by Mall Management to take photos or videos of any mall property.
All guests must wear appropriate attire including shirts and shoes.
All local, state, CDC and Health Department regulations are to be followed while at the Fingerlakes Mall. Masks that cover the entire face, such as ski masks, are prohibited.
Children 12 years or younger must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
The parking area is private property and is intended for the use of mall guests, tenants, and employees. Vehicles must park in designated spaces. Violators are subject to tickets and/or towing at the owner's expense. Overnight parking is not permitted without prior approval from Mall Management.
Dogs/Service Animals
Only Service Dogs, dogs of mall tenants, and those only going to and from a mall tenant are allowed. ​
Dogs must be leashed (6ft maximum) or in a carrier, and under the owner's supervision at all times.
Dogs must be in compliance with all laws including licensing and vaccinations.
Dogs must be taken outside to urinate/defecate, and owners must clean up and properly dispose of defecation.
Dogs must not cause disturbances such as loud barking, aggression, or being destructive.
(updated July 2021)